Editor’s Note: This interview with our Editor-in-Chief, Tuong Vu, was initially published on October 4th, 2023, by the Center for Advanced China Research. The interview has...
(The United States transfers a Seattle-based Coast Guard ship to Vietnam in summer 2021. Source: VNExpress) Khang Vu To describe developments in United States-Vietnam relations in...
By Jonathan London & Vu Quang Viet This article was first published on November 2, 2015, in CogitASIA, the blog for the Asia Programs at the...
Nguyen Luong Hai Khoi On October 26, 2018, while dealing with the US-China trade war, President Xi declared that the Chinese navy and air force must...
Nguyen Luong Hai Khoi Download pdf Abstract This essay discusses the evolution of Chinese maritime tactics in the East China Sea, with a particular focus on...
Nguyen Luong Hai Khoi China’s Campaign to intrude into the Continental Shelves and EEZs of Southeast Asian Countries in 2019 (Part 1: Process of the campaign, Part...
Satellite images showed the Y-20 on the airstrip at Fiery Cross Reef. Photo: East Pendulum. Source: Maxar Technologies Nguyen Luong Hai Khoi On December 25, 2020,...
(The isobath lines between the Spratlys and Malaysia’s Sabah state, and Philippines’ Palawan and Luzon islands) Nguyen Luong Hai Khoi On December 12, 2019, Malaysia submitted...
The extended continental shelf in Malaysia’s claim in 2019 Nguyen Luong Hai Khoi In 2009, when China published the map of the U-shaped lines at the...
Phan Van Song, Nguyen Trinh Don, Nguyen Luong Hai Khoi Examining the “historical evidence” for China’s sovereignty over the South China Sea islands (Part 4: “China was the...
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